Soft rain is whispering on spring ground.
Little seeds drink the taste of life.
A new season, the continuation of the circle of life.
In awe I stand for the miracle of creation.
Creation; a proclamation of the glory and majesty of Creator.
My prayer is for rain too, not the visible drops of water from the clouds.
My prayer is for spiritual rain, drops of blessing reviving the land.
The return of hope new life and truth.
My prayer is for every follower of Jesus, the royal family of truth, life and the Way.
That they may become both the salt that awakens the thirst as vessels of living flowing water that quenches that thirst.
Not by dreadful long and boring sermons but from renewed lives.
The return of the church of the diner table.
People who follow Jesus and listen to the voice, the wind of His spirit, in motion moving as God pleases.
Following the Ruach Wind twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
In their homes and workplaces, in their school and neighborhood.
Soft rain is whispering on spring ground.
Sound of hope for harvest blessing.
Do you hear the sound too, do you want to dance in the rain with me.
Praying, dancing, singing filled with the promise of the harvest of souls.
Jesus my Lord, savior and friend make a as you want me to be, blessed to be a blessing, called to call, a walking, talking, living, breathing easy to read letter from you.
Proclaiming the grace of a loving God.
Soft rain is whispering on spring ground.
I feel the hope make one of those little drops filled with Spirit water that joined together can soak the land.
Copyright Marc Pranger